

Jongho Kim, Prof. Ph.D.

2003 Hanyang University (BS), Valedictorian and Summa Cum Laude

2008 Hanyang University (MS)

2013 University of Michigan (PhD), ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award

2018.03 ~ Present, University of Ulsan, Associate Professor

2016.03 ~ 2018.02, Sejong University, Assistant Professor

2013.05 ~ 2016.02, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Research Fellow

·  한국수자원학회 표창장, 2020.01.17. 2024.01.26

·  한국수자원학회 학술발표회 우수발표 논문상, 2020.06.26, 2023.05.26

·  대한토목학회 학술발표회 우수발표 논문상, 2023.10.20

·  Honored as “2015 Editors’ Choice Awards” from Water Resources Research

·  Honored as “2014 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing – Water Resources Research”

·  Honored as “ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award” for 2013

·  Highlighted as “Featured Article” in Water Resources Research for the non-uniqueness paper, 2014

·  Ranked 11 in Top 25 Hottest Articles, Advances in Water Resources, Jan. to Dec. 2012 full year

·  Ranked 3 in Top 25 Hottest Articles, Advances in Water Resources, Jan. to Mar. 2012

·  Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA), American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2011

Trung Duc Tran

JiHwan Kwon

Anh Thi Van Nguyen

Thuan Thanh Le

TaeHoon Kim

Dat Tan Le

Tuong Quang Vo

Minyeob Jeong


Binh Duy Huy Pham

Thao Thu Hoang

Vinh Ngoc Tran

Manh Van Doi

Trung Duc Tran

JiHwan Kwon

DaeJin Lee

DoJin Baek

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do – Bruce Lee